Friday, October 7, 2022

Behind the Seen - photographer feature series

 This post is meant to outline the process and purpose if this series. 

1- the Number one purpose for this series it to create content

2- to feature the photographer- provide content they can use in their socials

3- to feature the makeup artist - provide content they can use in their socials

-HERE are the VIDEOs created for episode one- 


both the photographer and the make-up artist get these videos in raw form so they can upload onto other social media that support video. the makeup artist also get's a dozen finished/edited photos that feature the makeup they did. 


this is how the DAY goes. 

we start by getting ready- makeup and such and footage is taken during this time (of the makeup getting done and small interview with makeup artist) - Makeup artist is also welcome to come to the shoot at act as stylist if they wish (credits will reflect this) 

Then we record the audio version of the photographers interview as well as video (incase there is a need for it) 

we then head to the location (chosen by the photographer) and start the shoot- video/audio is collected during this process. 

Once the shoot is done, we all go our separate ways 

I receive the video/audio footage from my very talented videographer

we wait a few weeks to receive edited photos from the shoot (and a few of those edited photos are also sent in unedited form to be used in the video) 

I sit down and start to create the videos to then upload to social media. 

I send links to the photographer and makeup artist of the videos on youtube as well as a link to the google album with all the photos, graphics, and raw video links. 

This is a value exchange process - We do not pay the professionals for their work and they do not pay us for the creation of content - we each provide what we have in exchange for what the other can provide in return. 

I (Aileen) am the model for each shoot - for several reasons
1- make is very easy to spot the different styles in photographers since they are photographing the exact same person
2- shows the average person (who is also not a 19 year old model) what they might expect when working with this photographer/makeup artist
3- I don't have to check with the model while editing to make sure they are ok with the outcome of the footage because I AM that model 
4- I know the kind of footage I need/want for the content so it's easy to guide the shoot towards these things if it doesn't happen naturally.


Currently we are just local (mesa/phoenix az area) but I do hope that eventually we can travel to other states (and maybe countries) in the goal of creating the best content for our channel (and for the professionals we work with. 


if you would like to be featured in an upcoming episode as a photographer or makeup artist (or you have another way you would like to work with us, please contact me via facebook or email) 

email -
facebook -