Friday, March 14, 2014

Day 4 and Day 5

Day 4- Both juices were so gross I chocked them down as fast as I can- they were filled with whatever we had left (we were running low).
I did eat an apple and a banana this day too- to attempt to push along the natural process that comes with a juice fast (or the one that's supposed too anyways).

Day 5- My 31st birthday AND cheat day (declared by my husband!!!)
I had a cupcake and half a can of spegettio's, some Butterfingers chocolate eggs, 1/4 can of original pringles, for birthday dinner I had Salmon and mash potatoes and 3 mozzarella sticks!

I did get a bit sick (run to the bathroom kind) - probably just a shock to my system but all is well now. It's Saturday now, we went to the grocery store and spent another 50$ to finish out the juice fast.
We bought- 
6 red apples
3 cucumbers
4 bananas (for eating not juicing)
5 bags of carrots
5 grapefruits (for griffins juices ONLY)
6 oranges
2 mangos
.5lb of ginger
2 pears
a bundle of beets
1 cantaloupe (for my juice only)

v8 juice
prune juice

It was supposed to be a 10 day fast but we skipped a day (day 5) and Griffin says we will stop when we run out of fruit and veggies, even if it isn't as long as we wanted it to be. He has lost 10lbs already, I didn't weight myself but I do see subtle differences in my body shape and the clarity of my skin (the dryness and redness).

We took the frozen mulch and put it outside, tomorrow (if the weather holds out) we'll till up some ground for our soon to be garden and put the mulch in the ground there- maybe we can grow enough to keep your fruit and veggie bill low! 

Tomorrows Juices- 
juice 1- 4 orenges, 6 small carrots, and some ginger
juice 2- 1 beets, 5 small carrots, 2 apples, 2 apples, and ginger

and griffins juice (he's doing 3 a day) 
2 grapefruits, 1 pear, and a bunch of kale

I'll give you reviews tomorrow!

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